I was just lazing around in the office today, waiting for the day to pass so that I could go to mummy's house for buka puasa with the family. I always look forward to it.
Anyway I received a call from Shahril around 4.30pm. I was informed that he needs to leave for Labuan tomorrow evening. He leaves from KLIA at 6.30pm on Saturday. I asked him if he could leave on Monday instead but was told a firm “NO” as his clients are already waiting for him in Miri. He’s required to go fly to Miri on the 31st. God…he’s leaving me again. I seriously thought that he’ll leave at least on Monday, as I have made plans to bring the kids out for their Hari Raya shopping with their father. I guess I will have to do it alone now. Damn!!!!!!!!!!!
Told my mom not to tell Ezane that his Papa is leaving him again, but I am pretty sure he’ll find out soon enough. Going with a friend to the airport tomorrow to send him off.
God, how do I handle this???????
Crazeeee Aunty Sita
Went to my mum’s house for buka puasa. I will make it a point to break fast with my family and siblings whenever I am in town, which is not that often. I travel a hell lot and hardly spend time with them. And I do miss my family a hell lot too. Called Yasmin the other day during one of my roadtrips to inform her that I’ll be there for buka puasa. She literally shrieked in glee (nearly became deaf when she did it). I asked her why and she simply answered…”Because we hardly see you around Aunty Sita, and I miss you. Please break fast with us tonight. Her say nearly brought me to tears. She has grown so much since I last saw her and had turned out to be a ravishing beauty I must say.
Anyway, Shahril came to pick me up from the office and we headed straight to mummy’s house. As I stepped out of the car, I could hear them screaming my name.
Ezane (7) : Mama, can we go out to buy some toys today? Just a really small one pun ok lah!
Zarif(7) : Aunty Sita, u promised me a Tranformers toy.
Pepe (7) : Yeah, where is it? Don’t lah like this. Not fairlah!!!!
Khalis(5)and very “kerek” : Aunty Sita, Pepe won’t let me share his toys..can you please scold him???? Tell him I’ve got the biggest gun in the world and I will shoot his smelly butt!!!
Yasmin (10) : Aunty Sita, I didn’t fast today. My lips went dry so I had to ‘abstain” myself from fasting today….!!!!
Yes, these terrors are my niece and nephews. Each little rascal has their own quirks.
To further exasperate their weary aunt, they seem to love talking to me….Yes..ALL AT THE SAME TIME!!!!!! God..they’re loud and very demanding for a bunch of scalawags and would sometimes ask me me the most ludricrous questions….and anticipate for my always unreasonable answers..which most often pisses them off!!! Hahaha..What would you expect from a crazy aunt??? They once asked me where babies came from….
Straight faced I simply said…
“Well, if you must know, your parents bought you from the onion factory. The “tauke” didn’t want you because you guys weren’t cute anymore!!! So, he sold you guys off at a discount when you were tiny little babies!!!! You guys were all delivered to the house in gunny sacks. That is why you guys always smell like “bawang goreng”, haven’t u noticed???? Confused, they would start smelling their shirts!!!!!
I would laugh in hysterics when they gawked at my answer, somehow thinking it was all true. Except for Yasmin, being the oldest and the wisest among the lot. Kahkahkahkahkah!!!!!! Others would scramble to the phone and call their moms to authenticate what they’ve just heard from their beloved Auty Sita.
These boys would sit on me..all 5 of them on the couch and will start rummaging through my bag for goodies. Yes, they think I’m a walking candy stand!!! Only to be thwarted when they could only find a pack of ciggies, wallet and other non- candy items. Zarif pulled out my cigarettes and said “ Aunty Sita, these rokok is going to kill you u know”.
Well, Abang, Not today it ain’t.., I cheekily replied. Now please put that back in my bag please. Otherwise, I’ll just have to sit on you till you put it back!!!
Yes, I do love these kids to death, although it can be quite draining sometimes but these rascals keeps me sane from the mad going on’s in my life. I’m so much calmer when I’m with them, although they tend so see the “ringgit sign” smacked across my forehead when they see me, but they’re kids and it gives me an immense pleasure to just spoil them to bits. They’re the love of my life.
So kids, please don’t grow up too fast ok????? Love you guys to bits and pieces!!!!!
Leavin' ......yet again!!!
I received a call this PM on the way back to KL. It was Shahril. Told me that he would be leaving for Miri this Saturday after he gets certified by SeQU (simulator and sea survival test) tomorrow. His office had called to inform him that he's got to leave for Labuan first to gather his stuff and fly off to Miri ASAP. I was bummed when I heard the news. Although I knew he's gonna leave, I did not expect it to be so soon. I had seriously thought that we would spend Raya together this year. Well, duty calls so there's nothing much you can do about it. Didn't want to nag him and i just don't see the point of doing it anyway. Besides, I am soooooooooo not the nagging type. FAAAAAARRRR from it actually!!!!
Anyway, my mind was racing...How do I celebrate Raya with this year??? Do I have to break fast alone this year too????
I was tearing a tad bit in the car, probably because i panicked. Of course Yana cracked up a red-necked-hill-billie joke in the car and it got me laughing my head off. That bitch- lah!!!!
Yes, my husband annoys me to the outmost extreme sometimes because he nags...and I hate people who nags. But nevertheless, he's a great dad and the kids love him to bits. Doesn't help that he spoils them like there's no tomorrow. I am proud of him because he has gotten this far in life. It wasn’t an easy ride for him and I am extremely proud on what he has achieved. He finally made it ….and made it BIG!!!!!! I guess I’ll just have to be the dutiful wife and help him pack and send him on his way….to a brighter future!!!!!!!
Anyway, my mind was racing...How do I celebrate Raya with this year??? Do I have to break fast alone this year too????
I was tearing a tad bit in the car, probably because i panicked. Of course Yana cracked up a red-necked-hill-billie joke in the car and it got me laughing my head off. That bitch- lah!!!!
Yes, my husband annoys me to the outmost extreme sometimes because he nags...and I hate people who nags. But nevertheless, he's a great dad and the kids love him to bits. Doesn't help that he spoils them like there's no tomorrow. I am proud of him because he has gotten this far in life. It wasn’t an easy ride for him and I am extremely proud on what he has achieved. He finally made it ….and made it BIG!!!!!! I guess I’ll just have to be the dutiful wife and help him pack and send him on his way….to a brighter future!!!!!!!
* Sigh*
Share my life, take me for what I am
Coz I'll never change all my colors for you
Take my love, I'll never ask for too much
Just all that you are and everything that you do
I don't really need to look very much further
I don't want to have to go where you don't follow
I won't hold it back again, this passion inside
Can't run from myself
There's nowhere to hide
Well,don't make me close one more door
I don't wanna hurt anymore
Stay in my arms if you dare
Or must I imagine you there
Don't walk away from me...
I have nothing, nothing, nothing
If I don't have you
You see through, right to the heart of me
You break down my walls with the strength of your love
I never knew love like I've known it with you
Will a memory survive, one I can hold on to
I don't really need to look very much further
I don't want to have to go where you don't follow
I won't hold it back again, this passion inside
I Can't run from myself
There's nowhere to hide
Your love I'll remember, forever
Coz I'll never change all my colors for you
Take my love, I'll never ask for too much
Just all that you are and everything that you do
I don't really need to look very much further
I don't want to have to go where you don't follow
I won't hold it back again, this passion inside
Can't run from myself
There's nowhere to hide
Well,don't make me close one more door
I don't wanna hurt anymore
Stay in my arms if you dare
Or must I imagine you there
Don't walk away from me...
I have nothing, nothing, nothing
If I don't have you
You see through, right to the heart of me
You break down my walls with the strength of your love
I never knew love like I've known it with you
Will a memory survive, one I can hold on to
I don't really need to look very much further
I don't want to have to go where you don't follow
I won't hold it back again, this passion inside
I Can't run from myself
There's nowhere to hide
Your love I'll remember, forever
What NEVER Say To A Woman During An Argument
Whoa, time out. WWE Raw is on.
Sorry. I was just picturing you naked.
Is there any way we can do this via e-mail?
Don't you have some laundry to do or something?
You are so cute when you get mad.
You're just upset because your bottom is beginning to spread.
Wait a minute - I get it. What time of the month is it?
You sure you don't want to consult the great Oprah on this one?
Looks like someone had an extra bowl of bitch flakes this morning!
Who are you kidding? We both know that thing ain't loaded.
I have to go for a meeting
Please don’t start. I'm not in the mood right now.
What’s that supposed to mean?
Haven’t we already had this conversation?
Can’t we talk about this later?
Never mind (sigh), it’s not important.
You always do that.
Enough already.
Can’t we just go?
My personal favorite: Can I tell you one thing?
I did not have sex with that woman.... (to quote a loser ex president, then later to tell her."Well, yeah we did it but it meant nothing..it was just sex! Yeah right!!!!
Sorry. I was just picturing you naked.
Is there any way we can do this via e-mail?
Don't you have some laundry to do or something?
You are so cute when you get mad.
You're just upset because your bottom is beginning to spread.
Wait a minute - I get it. What time of the month is it?
You sure you don't want to consult the great Oprah on this one?
Looks like someone had an extra bowl of bitch flakes this morning!
Who are you kidding? We both know that thing ain't loaded.
I have to go for a meeting
Please don’t start. I'm not in the mood right now.
What’s that supposed to mean?
Haven’t we already had this conversation?
Can’t we talk about this later?
Never mind (sigh), it’s not important.
You always do that.
Enough already.
Can’t we just go?
My personal favorite: Can I tell you one thing?
I did not have sex with that woman.... (to quote a loser ex president, then later to tell her."Well, yeah we did it but it meant nothing..it was just sex! Yeah right!!!!
What You NEVER Say To A Woman
If you're male, over the years you'll have experienced exactly how different woman are than you. It's not just that they have different genitals, or boobs (some men have those too, GROSS!), they THINK differently too.
You have to be careful as to what you say to a woman. She may take it in a way completely different to how you mean, in ways you have not even dreamed of! And, as many experienced men know, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
With that in mind, here are some things that you do NOT say to or near a woman.
* Hey you! (YOU or KAU is offensive. It should be her name, or Miss. Anything else means you are pure evil or an idiot).
* Excuse me, Miss? No not you, the fat one. OUchhh!!!!
* Hey! Those new pants TOTALLY cover your front butt!
* Do you really wannna wear that? And show off your arms/ legs/???
* Nice perm! I had one of those in the 80's when I was going through my Bon
Jovi phase!
* Son, if you eat your vegetables, you'll be able to grow a cool mustache just
like yo mama.
* Yea, you look pretty good for your age.
* Takes a lot of guts for a lady like you to wear THAT.
* That's your MOM? I thought it was your sister!
* I see your point, but THIS cream takes care of cellulite too!
* You need a cream for your stretch marks...
* Your boobs/jugs/knockers/tits/ aren't as perky now...why ah???
* Hey! Did you know that when you laugh your second chin overlaps your third?
* I appreciate your trying to look sexy, but when you wear a G-String it looks
like it is begging for mercy...or.... "G- string?? I don't see it. Where lah???
* Hold your own damned purse, OK?
* We have a lot of bills, do you really think you need another pair of shoes?
* You're pregnant? Six months? Really? I couldn't tell!
* Is that a gray hair?
* I think the dryer is running hot, cuz all your clothes seem to be shrinking
* Pi lah pakai bedak sikit. You look so pucatlah.
* My money is my money ok????? Guys, what happened to "sharing is caring'???
* What anniversary? What birthday?? Do you really want a present for your bday?
Guys......we are girls....We love presents....
* You know, women with fat ankles shouldn't wear high heels.(yup, my hubby told
me that once or twice)
* Oh, by the way, my ex girlfriend is coming over for dinner tonight.
* You know, my ex- girlfriend used to love it when I.........
* Calls you an "unfit" anything.....
* Do you really have to listen to that song over and over again??? Peninglah!!!
* You're sure you wanna cook dinner?? Really?? But you haven't cooked since
And the number one thing you should never say to a woman is.....
* No.
I hope my knowledge and experience has helped you today, and may the wrath you incur from women be slight and infrequent.
You have to be careful as to what you say to a woman. She may take it in a way completely different to how you mean, in ways you have not even dreamed of! And, as many experienced men know, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
With that in mind, here are some things that you do NOT say to or near a woman.
* Hey you! (YOU or KAU is offensive. It should be her name, or Miss. Anything else means you are pure evil or an idiot).
* Excuse me, Miss? No not you, the fat one. OUchhh!!!!
* Hey! Those new pants TOTALLY cover your front butt!
* Do you really wannna wear that? And show off your arms/ legs/???
* Nice perm! I had one of those in the 80's when I was going through my Bon
Jovi phase!
* Son, if you eat your vegetables, you'll be able to grow a cool mustache just
like yo mama.
* Yea, you look pretty good for your age.
* Takes a lot of guts for a lady like you to wear THAT.
* That's your MOM? I thought it was your sister!
* I see your point, but THIS cream takes care of cellulite too!
* You need a cream for your stretch marks...
* Your boobs/jugs/knockers/tits/ aren't as perky now...why ah???
* Hey! Did you know that when you laugh your second chin overlaps your third?
* I appreciate your trying to look sexy, but when you wear a G-String it looks
like it is begging for mercy...or.... "G- string?? I don't see it. Where lah???
* Hold your own damned purse, OK?
* We have a lot of bills, do you really think you need another pair of shoes?
* You're pregnant? Six months? Really? I couldn't tell!
* Is that a gray hair?
* I think the dryer is running hot, cuz all your clothes seem to be shrinking
* Pi lah pakai bedak sikit. You look so pucatlah.
* My money is my money ok????? Guys, what happened to "sharing is caring'???
* What anniversary? What birthday?? Do you really want a present for your bday?
Guys......we are girls....We love presents....
* You know, women with fat ankles shouldn't wear high heels.(yup, my hubby told
me that once or twice)
* Oh, by the way, my ex girlfriend is coming over for dinner tonight.
* You know, my ex- girlfriend used to love it when I.........
* Calls you an "unfit" anything.....
* Do you really have to listen to that song over and over again??? Peninglah!!!
* You're sure you wanna cook dinner?? Really?? But you haven't cooked since
And the number one thing you should never say to a woman is.....
* No.
I hope my knowledge and experience has helped you today, and may the wrath you incur from women be slight and infrequent.
Farewell Yet Again
Im sad today.
A dear friend, a dear colleague has just told me that she's leaving the company. I was taken aback. Why? Simply because I adore her. She has been like a big sister to me. When I first came in to work, I have always thought that she would hate my chutzpah!!!! I'm loud, noisy...i was very sure that she would hate every moral fibre I have in me!!!
..... and I do have a temper. Besides, she looked like this miss goody-two-shoes! No way in hell she can "gel" with me. Boy....I was wrong. I was already judging her even before I got to know her. Surprise..Suprise… We clicked right away. Strange as it may seem, I actually enjoy her company. She can be exasperating at times, hey...nobody's perfect, right? I know I’m not.
I guess after 4 years, people tend to take her presence for granted. I'm sad to observe my friend being kicked around like a fooking football, and always being pushed to a corner. Yes..that much I have observed.
I know that I am not in her shoes, but I try to listen to her gripe or complaints. But there is so much I can do…and being where I am, I can’t say much!
Anyhoo, I wish her well. I pray that she would obtain a great job and finally make a career out of it.. But I am happy that she has finally found her inner peace.
Farewell my friend.
A dear friend, a dear colleague has just told me that she's leaving the company. I was taken aback. Why? Simply because I adore her. She has been like a big sister to me. When I first came in to work, I have always thought that she would hate my chutzpah!!!! I'm loud, noisy...i was very sure that she would hate every moral fibre I have in me!!!
..... and I do have a temper. Besides, she looked like this miss goody-two-shoes! No way in hell she can "gel" with me. Boy....I was wrong. I was already judging her even before I got to know her. Surprise..Suprise… We clicked right away. Strange as it may seem, I actually enjoy her company. She can be exasperating at times, hey...nobody's perfect, right? I know I’m not.
I guess after 4 years, people tend to take her presence for granted. I'm sad to observe my friend being kicked around like a fooking football, and always being pushed to a corner. Yes..that much I have observed.
I know that I am not in her shoes, but I try to listen to her gripe or complaints. But there is so much I can do…and being where I am, I can’t say much!
Anyhoo, I wish her well. I pray that she would obtain a great job and finally make a career out of it.. But I am happy that she has finally found her inner peace.
Farewell my friend.
Story of Me

Well, When you go
Don't ever think I'll make you try to stay
And maybe when you get back
I'll be off to find another way
And after all this time that you still owe
You're still the good-for-nothing I don't know
So take your gloves and get out
Better get out
While you can
When you go
Would you even turn to say
"I don't love you
Like I loved you....yesterday.........
Sometimes I cry so hard from pleading
So sick and tired of all the needless beating
But baby when they knock you
Down and out
It's where you oughta stay
And after all the blood that you still owe
Another dollar's just another blow
So fix your eyes and get up
Better get up
While you can
When you go
Would you even turn to say
"I don't love you
Like I loved you..yesterday
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