Farewell Yet Again

Im sad today.

A dear friend, a dear colleague has just told me that she's leaving the company. I was taken aback. Why? Simply because I adore her. She has been like a big sister to me. When I first came in to work, I have always thought that she would hate my chutzpah!!!! I'm loud, noisy...i was very sure that she would hate every moral fibre I have in me!!!
..... and I do have a temper. Besides, she looked like this miss goody-two-shoes! No way in hell she can "gel" with me. Boy....I was wrong. I was already judging her even before I got to know her. Surprise..Suprise… We clicked right away. Strange as it may seem, I actually enjoy her company. She can be exasperating at times, hey...nobody's perfect, right? I know I’m not.

I guess after 4 years, people tend to take her presence for granted. I'm sad to observe my friend being kicked around like a fooking football, and always being pushed to a corner. Yes..that much I have observed.

I know that I am not in her shoes, but I try to listen to her gripe or complaints. But there is so much I can do…and being where I am, I can’t say much!

Anyhoo, I wish her well. I pray that she would obtain a great job and finally make a career out of it.. But I am happy that she has finally found her inner peace.

Farewell my friend.

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