The Things I Learned……….so far

• I learned to NOT eat anything that floats in the toilet bowl. (Age 4)
• I learned that fertilizers were ONLY meant for trees, not for my personal consumption. (Age 3)
• I learned that my Mom and Dad are the smartest people in the world. (Age 7)
• I learned you can’t lie about shooting your neighbour’s kid with a slingshot and get away with it. (Age 9)
• I learned that putting tamarind pulp in my baby sister’s formula earns me more play time.
  It did till my parents found out. (Age8)
• I learned to NOT brush my teeth sitting in the sink. (Age 8)
• I learned that you can’t buy shit with Monopoly money. (Age7)
• I learned that just when I got my room the way I like it, my Mom said it was a pig sty! (Age 12)
• I learned that my mom isn’t a professional hair stylist. My kid sister and I were her guinea pigs and she       can’t perm for shit and we were only….. (Age 9)
• I learned that my mom’s idea of a Princess Diana hairstyle would be her placing a bowl over my head and me looking like Moe from the Three Stooges once she has waved her magic DIY hairstyling kit. (Age 9)
• I learned that you will have a few broken teeth should you fall off a tree..or the roof. (Age 10)
• I learned that my Mom and Dad weren’t as smart as I thought they were. (Rebellious stage). (Age 13)
• I learned that I was no longer a little girl. Had my first P. (Age14)
• I learned that my parents were faced with a life and death situation regarding myself. (Age14)
• I learned that my Mom and Dad don’t have a clue about life. (Age 16)
• I learned that going on a date was time consuming and a waste of money. (Age 17).
• I learned that I wasn’t meant to be an accountant or anything to do with numbers. (Age 19-20)
• I learned that Public Relations were my real calling. (Age 20)
• I learned that I was secretly glad that my parents were hard on me. (Age 21)
• I learned that my Mom and Dad need me if they are to actually survive in this world. (Age 22)
• I learned that my Mom and Dad may be smarter than I’ve given them credit for these last few years.
 (Age 23- Today)
• I learned that my dad was incredibly wise and should be sought for advice in every big decision that comes. (Age 23)
• I learned that I was clueless about life. (Age 24)
• I learned that once again my Mom and Dad are the smartest people in the world. (Age 25)
• I learned that a beautiful little dark haired, dimpled baby boy named Ezane can rock my world. (Age 25)
• I learned that having a kid is cool and a lot of work … all at the same time. (Age 25)
• I learned the ugly truth about cancer. (Age 26)
• I learned that the coolest guy in the world is about to leave me…for good (Age 26)
• I learned the painful truth that everything can change in the blink of an eye.(Age 27-28)
• I learned that making a living and making a life are two different things. (Age 27-28)
• I learned that not everybody gives you a pat on the back for a job well done. (Age 29)
• I learned that you can tell a lot about a man’s true character by the way he handles these three things: when he’s dealt with a crisis, how he handles himself in the sack (or you for that matter), and how he talks about his wife when she’s not around. (Age 31)
• I learned that whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger. (Age 32)
• I learned that a sweet little black haired, brown eyed girl named Erin still rocks my world. (Age 32)
• I learned that raising my kids is a challenge, but it’s also one of the greatest pleasures in the world.
 (Age 32 - Today)
• I learned to never compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about. (Today)
• I learned that I still have a lot to learn. (Today)

Rule of Life

As children, were taught that the power of good triumphs over the power of evil. But as we get older, we realize nothing is ever that simple. Traces of evil always remain and I shall explain why….

As a child, my parents really didn’t plonk me down and render me the sermon of how life is really like once you’re out there. Of course back then, life was much, much simpler to comprehend. There were no handphones for people to bug you shitless, no internet, social networking crap, when snail mail was still the way to go, hence less confusion. My dad went to work, came back exactly at 5.30pm every single day of his working life and so did my mom. Their kids were taught to excel in their studies, to believe in God, to pray 5 times a day, to be charitable, and to be respectful of others.   We were told  to study smart and make loads of money to secure ourselves financially( should shit happens) I asked them....Urmm..,what kinda shit ah???? They said.. Like when you wanna buy a house, then you’d have enough savings to put down a down payment. If you wanna get married, you’d have enough money to buy furniture for your home. Oh, that's how life works eh? I figured that I'll just nail myself a rich husband who’ll be able to provide these things for me. It would make life sooooo much easier to live!
Guess what????

I didn’t marry a rich husband but a damn hardworking one. I didn’t have enough money for the downpayment to my house, I had utilized my EPF savings. I didn’t have enough to plonk in a d/p for the car, I begged for a full loan. And this only came after 3 years of being Metro’s and  Comfort Cab’s regular customer! We didn’t get proper furnishings for the house until 2 yrs we moved in and my house was as sparse as my uncle’s skull..but I was happy and still am and I count my blessings every day for what he has given me and what my parents had wisely told me as a child.  But how I wished my parents had warned me about the people whom  I’d be associating myself with when I’m older coz God knows I’ve screwed myself in more ways than one when it comes to these people we call “friends, confidant..watchamacallit!
But then again, I’ve had friends who took advantage whatever’s good in me. I’ve had leeches, snakes as friends. People who are always expecting some deed in return for the most minute of favors or benevolence. Yeah, everyone has the right to stupidity but some abuse the privilege. What can I say eh?

I’m known to have the patience of a saint when dealing with “stupids” but not with those who are proud of it especially when it’s their deliberate cultivation of their callous ignorance towards my generosity. These are the people who lives stealing one’s cake and eating it too and these are the very people you should be wary of. I dub them as “sneeches” with a capital ASS! I still have great faith in these fools, self-confidence some friends call it but a fucking fool nonetheless in my books!
But all is not lost. I have kept a few friends in my good books, which whom are mostly friends from high school. Friends who has brought good in my life and has stood by me through all my haplessness, adversities, triumphs, good or bad and these are the lot whom will always, always be the ones that I’ll cherish for the rest of my life.

My point is, make wise decisions coz they may reflect on who you are as a person. God knows I've learned it the hard way!

When making a decision of minor importance, I have always found it advantageous to consider all the pros and cons. In vital matters however, such as the choice of a mate or a profession or even friends, the decision should come from the unconscious, from somewhere within ourselves. In the important decisions of personal life, we should be reigned, I think, by the deep inner needs of our hearts and….common sense!

The Day After...

My sister and I decided to bring the kids out for breakfast at Raju's but sadly it rained cats and dogs the moment we plonked our asses down. Since the smarty pants owner who btw is probably a millionaire judging from the steady stream of partons to his restaurant, I would've guessed that this bugger would be smart enough to provide his customers outside with some decent roofing but instead everyone was forced to continue their breakie  inside while some unfortunate ones were compelled to leave and get their grub somewhere dry I gather, with us running back to our car with 2 kids in tow whom had by the way recently discharged from the hospital just a week before. Take the risk and wait the rain to subside....? I don't think so. We then sped our way to another restaurant in PJ, Kanna's Curry House and the kids finally had their fried chicken, canai banjir and fried sotong. I finally had my morning pick-me-up....Coffee!!!!

Acu with kids @Kanna Curry House

After telling off the guy who had waited on us (Aida heard him mutter his displeasure of being forced to run to hell and back to get us another round of drinks and food! Hello! You are paid to serve your customers you obtuse SOB!), we then set course to KLCC to do some retail therapy for the mommies, and toys for the kids! We were there for a good couple of hours when Khalis & Erin started squabbling like a married couple, hence forcing us to leave early for home!

With Fiza tgh dok gatai bermanja2
At 5pm, me and my sister made plans to visit Fiza's newborn baby girl in Bukit Kiara where she's doing her pantang at her parent's condo. Yup, all 4000sqf of it!  Crazy lah...., who lives like that man???? 

Tea at her house
I felt so miskin if I were to compare the place I'm living in right the cousins and I literally took photos everywhere, much to the chagrin of the Nepalese security guard manning the lobby. That bloke must've thought we were Jakuns as we were snapping shot of ourselves in a Bollywood pose next to the colourful Kolam they had set up for Deepavali.
the three minachis cum Jakuns posing...
the other Jakun snapped the pic
Imah even went up to the grand piano to have another shot taken but was stopped short by her Idah as her poor sister was already so malu tahap gaban with us being such Jakuns (yes...they have a beautiful black piano plonked right at the corner of the mammoth lobby!) Aiyoooo..who lives like that man? It's insane I tell you as we giggled our way back to our car.

The girls with the baby

The girls posing atas katil

Me with Baby Amelia..
Man, I could sure feel the tug at my uterus just holding her..hence....

Me : Aida, I nak another one lah..
Aida : Hang jgn dok gatai lagi Sita oii..pengsan Mama nanti..
kita pegang and tengok cukuplah..tak payah hang nak pi buat lagi no...

Kids Day Out...

Daddy and his treasure. Check out Erin's tattoo!!
After being cooped up at home for weeks, (with them being sick and hospitalized), it's now the kids turn to have their much deserved fun with Mummy and Papa. Brought them to Aquaria KLCC to see the little fishies and to Suria for some retail therapy (but the therapy is really for mummy actually!). Here are some pictures we took on their day out.....

Abang & Adik

Got stung by one of these bad boys 3 years ago....youchhhh!!!!

Mummy's treasure!

The kids with their treat after Aquaria while daddy
waits in line to get us some grub...
 It was indeed a good day out with the family. Now....for some real shopping...for me!

A Gift From Hubby

There it is.....the much awaited ride! It's big, bulky, dark, black and soooo not me but I love it! What else can I possibly say? I'm grateful that after all the crap that has happened as a result of me not having a ride, the kids can finally have a ride of their own and mommy can go visit them anytime she wants! Syukur Alhamdulillah....

Introducing Ivy...(don't ask me where and how I got the name!)

The first thing hubby did was to send the car for tinting...

An Ordeal

Day 1 (25/10) – I was informed by my sister that Erin was rushed to the emergency room in SJMC as she was already too weak to stand from the fever she's been having. I immediately hauled my ass ASAP to the hospital and was shocked by what I saw. Erin's temperature was @ 41.2 and she's severely dehydrated which had caused her mouth to blister and the skin at her groin to peel. It looked like she's been scalded by boiling water. She couldn’t even open her eyes because she was so weak. MY baby looked pale. The doctor showed me the x-ray and I was told that Erin had contracted pneumonia and a few other viral infections. I was wrecked with sobs when I saw my daugher. 
Khalis was also admitted later in the evening for high fever and got a room right next door. They’re neighbours. Her Papa came back from Miri that same night after hearing the news. He finally arrived at 1.30am and stayed by his daughter's bedside that night.

my boo boo...first day

With her daddy the night he rushed back.
My Lil' boo boo on the first day......

Day 2 (26/10)- Temp @ 39.8 the whole day. She’s been put on a drip and antibiotics She’s also on the nebulizer 4 times a day. Still very weak. She’s now diagnosed with pneumonia, a series of infections, and high fever.

playing with her most favourite person in the world
....well, at least other than Shrek and he's an ogre!!

with daddy on the 2nd day.

 How Liza managed to coerce Erin into putting on the nebulizer mask I will never know!!!

Day 3 (27/10) – Temp @ 37 – and soared to 38.8 in the evening. There are now tears in her eyes, and she’s now able to speak…thank God! Still doesn’t want to eat anything though.

Daddy slept with her every night throughout the stay....
...while I get to sleep on the sleeperette.

Erin with the teddy bear Papa bought her....

Day 4 (28/10) – Temp at 36 – 37 in the day….38.8 in the evening. Overall, she’s doing ok. She’s now able to interact with visitors, especially the ones bearing toys. Ezane bought her Smurfs stickers which she loved!!!Uncle Brian bought toys and ice cream… Haagen Dazs Belgian choc lagi..yumssss!

Mommy and her babies

Acu the banker trying to play doctor...
Khalis on the nebulizer...

Showing off her gifts...

Day 5 (29/10) – Temp at 35-36 the whole day. She had her first bottle of milk and drank some 100 plus. Cheery mood and she’s now yakking non- stop especially with her Papa. Watched Shrek on the lappie pretty much the whole day.

Her first food after 10 days...susu!!!!!

Mommy and ME!

Erin in the pink of health...

Day 6 (30/10) – Dr. Ali Minhaj gave her the all clear and she’s being discharged today along with her cousin, Khalis. How I know they’re okay? Both of them wants to have their wantan noodles for dinner tonight!

The head nurse came into the room to hand me the bill. Told my sister that if Shahril's not back to the room after settling the hospital bill, please proceed to the emergency room because there’s a fat chance that your brother in law has passed out!!!!!!

Despite the hefty medical bill,I’m glad they’re okay at last!

I wanna thank my family, Ezane for the lovely gift you bought for your sister, in- laws for dropping by everday to visit her.Bak for taking care of mama at home and for bringing food for Aida & me. I also wanna thank my friends especially Babu and Halim, my cousins for the visits and well wishes...and last but not least, my husband for being such a Super Saint to me and the kids throughout this ordeal. Love you all very, very, much!