Day 1 (25/10) – I was informed by my sister that Erin was rushed to the emergency room in SJMC as she was already too weak to stand from the fever she's been having. I immediately hauled my ass ASAP to the hospital and was shocked by what I saw. Erin's temperature was @ 41.2 and she's severely dehydrated which had caused her mouth to blister and the skin at her groin to peel. It looked like she's been scalded by boiling water. She couldn’t even open her eyes because she was so weak. MY baby looked pale. The doctor showed me the x-ray and I was told that Erin had contracted pneumonia and a few other viral infections. I was wrecked with sobs when I saw my daugher.
Khalis was also admitted later in the evening for high fever and got a room right next door. They’re neighbours. Her Papa came back from Miri that same night after hearing the news. He finally arrived at 1.30am and stayed by his daughter's bedside that night.
my boo boo...first day |
With her daddy the night he rushed back. |
My Lil' boo boo on the first day......
Day 2 (26/10)- Temp @ 39.8 the whole day. She’s been put on a drip and antibiotics She’s also on the nebulizer 4 times a day. Still very weak. She’s now diagnosed with pneumonia, a series of infections, and high fever.
playing with her most favourite person in the world
....well, at least other than Shrek and he's an ogre!! |
with daddy on the 2nd day.
How Liza managed to coerce Erin into putting on the nebulizer mask I will never know!!! |
Day 3 (27/10) – Temp @ 37 – and soared to 38.8 in the evening. There are now tears in her eyes, and she’s now able to speak…thank God! Still doesn’t want to eat anything though.
Daddy slept with her every night throughout the stay....
...while I get to sleep on the sleeperette. |
Erin with the teddy bear Papa bought her.... |
Day 4 (28/10) – Temp at 36 – 37 in the day….38.8 in the evening. Overall, she’s doing ok. She’s now able to interact with visitors, especially the ones bearing toys. Ezane bought her Smurfs stickers which she loved!!!Uncle Brian bought toys and ice cream… Haagen Dazs Belgian choc lagi..yumssss!
Mommy and her babies |
Acu the banker trying to play doctor... |
Khalis on the nebulizer... |
Showing off her gifts...
Day 5 (29/10) – Temp at 35-36 the whole day. She had her first bottle of milk and drank some 100 plus. Cheery mood and she’s now yakking non- stop especially with her Papa. Watched Shrek on the lappie pretty much the whole day.
Her first food after 10 days...susu!!!!! |
Mommy and ME! |
Erin in the pink of health... |
Day 6 (30/10) – Dr. Ali Minhaj gave her the all clear and she’s being discharged today along with her cousin, Khalis. How I know they’re okay? Both of them wants to have their wantan noodles for dinner tonight!
The head nurse came into the room to hand me the bill. Told my sister that if Shahril's not back to the room after settling the hospital bill, please proceed to the emergency room because there’s a fat chance that your brother in law has passed out!!!!!!
Despite the hefty medical bill,I’m glad they’re okay at last!
I wanna thank my family, Ezane for the lovely gift you bought for your sister, in- laws for dropping by everday to visit her.Bak for taking care of mama at home and for bringing food for Aida & me. I also wanna thank my friends especially Babu and Halim, my cousins for the visits and well wishes...and last but not least, my husband for being such a Super Saint to me and the kids throughout this ordeal. Love you all very, very, much!
Phew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'s more like 'Adoiiiiii" after settling the bill but I'm glad she's finally in the clear.