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Friends Like This

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I’m not a mean person. I like to think that I’ll have friends during my time of need. Friends are very important to me, so is family. They keep me grounded and I need them to constantly remind me on where I stand in life.
You need friends and family to give you a pat on the back for a job well done
You need friends n family when you need a shoulder to cry on.
You need them when you’re short of cash too….. (soft loan la)
Some friends will tell you straight that you have bad hair or that you shoes don’t match your outfit!!
Some friends will notice when something’s bugging the hell outta you and ask if u wanna talk bout it.
I need my friends around me. I don’t have a lot of them, but those who has stuck by me during the good and bad times….well…boleh kire beb! U guys know who you are! I had friends who stole from me! A month later, his car go stolen!!!!! That I call cash n carry, my dear friends!
I have friends who mistreat one another.
I have friends who belittles other friends, especially if they find out the other’s weakness. I’m very protective of my friends and it’s sad to see them being put down like that. We all have our flaws…FUCK… No one’s perfect. But I do know what goes around, comes around. It’s all cash & carry!
You live and you shall learn. I have a motto in life…
“ Be Nice To People On Your Way Up, Coz You Might Meet Them On Your Way Down!”
This I Like!!!!

Kekasih Awal Dan Akhir
Malam menanti siang
Siang menanti malam
Bagai berkurun lamanya
Masa memisahkan kita
Hingga terlupa
Pada paras lupa
Malam mencari mimpi
Siang mencari erti
Tersingkap seribu makna
Terucap seribu kata
Terlepaslah... rahsia
Sekian lama terpisah
Akhirnya bertemu
Mengenang dosa
Mengenang rindu
Dan ternyatalah
Cintaku yang satu...
Kau kekasih awal dan akhir
Kau kekasih zahir dan batin
Setelah ku sedari
Cintamu yang abadi
Takku harap takku peduli
Walau bulan jatuh kebumi
Dan hadir bidadari
Tak kumimpikan lagi
Kerana KAU lebih mengerti
Kerana KAU lebih mengerti
There’s a lot of things that been buggin’ me these past few days. I dun feel like myself now. I’m tired. I’m just tired.
I’m tired of living a lie……
I’m tired of trying to make sense on how my life had turned out
I’m tired in having to figure out everything
I’m tired of wearing the pants in the family
I’m tired of being tired all the time
I’m tired of the shit people give me….when they know I’m going thru a rough patch in my life right now.
I’m tired of being a wife sometimes…but NEVER a mom.
I’m tired of constantly being disappointed.
I’m upset when I see how people can be mean to you coz you’re just not up there with these snooty bitches!
I’m upset by how family can be so mean to each other. Especially aunties from my dad’s side. (u know who you are)…the snooty ugly bitch whose hubby screwed my family. Father figure konon. You and your wife can rot in hell and die die die…..X10! I hate your guts..and the overpowering designer imposter perfume u bring in with you during gatherings. You smell like manure!!!! To pretend that u didn’t see me when u did. You are pathetic, both husband and wife! I hate your disgusting face and I hate your husband’s disgusting habit. I dun care if you read this. I’ve made my feelings known when I last saw you, too bad u were too stupid to notice. I’m so tempted to publish your names here, assholes!!!!! I’ve got daggers for you two old crap!
Against All Odds......

How can I just let you walk away, just let you leave without a trace,When I stand here taking every breath with you,You're the only one who really knew me at all!
How can you just walk away from me,when all I can do is watch you leave? Cos we've shared the laughter and the pain and even shared the tears,You're the only one who really knew me at all!
So take a look at me now, cos there's just an empty space. And there's nothing left here to remind me,just the memory of your face.Just take a look at me now, well there's just an empty space. And you coming back to me is against the odds and that's what I've got to face.
I wish I could just make you turn around, turn around and see me cry.There's so much I need to say to you, so many reasons why...
You're the only one who really knew me at all
So take a look at me now, well there's just an empty space. And there's nothing left here to remind me, just the memory of your face. Just take a look at me now, cos there's just an empty space.......
But to wait for you, that's all I can do and that's what I've got to face. Just take a look at me now, cos I'll still be standing here. And you coming back to me is against all odds.
It's a chance I've got to take.
Just take a look at me now.
What Happened La?
I had a bad start even after I spent the most precious time with my kids during the weekend.
What bad start?
First, I had this really unsettling feeling on my way to work. Something wasn’t rite! But I didn’t know what it was!
I then received a phone call.
I found out that someone I really care about is separating. They’ve had problems for the longest time. I don’t condone separating/divorce but I’m not that person who’s suffering. It’s selfish for me to tell them to stay together if they’ve really tried everything possible to keep their marriage intact.
The only downside of it all is that the kid will be separated from his parents. I love the lil’ boy to death and wud do anything to protect him. He’s just the most jovial lil’ boy.
I was listening to Bon Jovi’s song “Always” and I cried my eyes out. I was at home alone n I couldn’t stop thinking about them. I’m very, very sad!
Seeing his parents fight will definitely scar him and it saddens me that he’s going thru this rough patch with his parents. It’s not your fault baby…….u didn’t do anything wrong!
But if you’re better off being friends than lovers, then I guess it’s ok. When the love is gone, there’s no way in hell you’ll get it back. U cannot simply force yourself to love a person. Love comes from within u, not to be forced upon. I know that first hand *wink*
To the one I care about, whatever u decide, u know that I’m here to support you 110%!!!
I’m always around if u need a shoulder to cry on. I’m not going anywhere!
What bad start?
First, I had this really unsettling feeling on my way to work. Something wasn’t rite! But I didn’t know what it was!
I then received a phone call.
I found out that someone I really care about is separating. They’ve had problems for the longest time. I don’t condone separating/divorce but I’m not that person who’s suffering. It’s selfish for me to tell them to stay together if they’ve really tried everything possible to keep their marriage intact.
The only downside of it all is that the kid will be separated from his parents. I love the lil’ boy to death and wud do anything to protect him. He’s just the most jovial lil’ boy.
I was listening to Bon Jovi’s song “Always” and I cried my eyes out. I was at home alone n I couldn’t stop thinking about them. I’m very, very sad!
Seeing his parents fight will definitely scar him and it saddens me that he’s going thru this rough patch with his parents. It’s not your fault baby…….u didn’t do anything wrong!
But if you’re better off being friends than lovers, then I guess it’s ok. When the love is gone, there’s no way in hell you’ll get it back. U cannot simply force yourself to love a person. Love comes from within u, not to be forced upon. I know that first hand *wink*
To the one I care about, whatever u decide, u know that I’m here to support you 110%!!!
I’m always around if u need a shoulder to cry on. I’m not going anywhere!
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