Killing Me Softly

And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt. ~Sylvia Plath

My online writing course is killing me! While I love writing as much as I do eating, dreaming among other weird things that I love doing, they too, like everything else, require time and attention and focus (yes, dreaming requires intense concentration!), and I'm generally short on all three. You might think that a "domestic engineer" like myself, would probably spend her afternoons watching re-runs of Desperate Housewives or perhaps taking down recipes on the cooking channel. WRONG! There's so much other chores to do in this house and knowing me, I'd want the house to be spotless and dust free which is probably why I mop the floors 3 times a day putting other desperate housewives to shame! At this rate, even Bree Van Der Kamp would be jealous of me! At one point, my husband came back home and said that the kitchen was in a mess and I spent half a day working on that tiny squalid kitchen of mine till it gleamed with perfection! You see, I don't handle criticism well these days, nor have I ever for that matter. Don't even get me started if he starts criticizing the way I dress. He now takes his meals through a feeding tube. Hehehee.....

Seriously, none of the work I have to do is technically difficult or unrealistic yet I manage to overwhelm myself anyway. A lot of it is me feeling like a complete failure, coupled with my ongoing battle with writers block which comes visiting every time I attempt in writing a post or even completing my assignment. My husband even bought me a pretty "little" notebook three stories thick which he thinks might come in handy should an idea hit me when I'm outta the  house or waking up in the middle of the night full of ideas on what to write. I'm now bestowed with 3 notebooks and I don’t even know where the hell it is! Did I tell you that I'm also a scatter brain? Yup, I’m a self confessed scatter brain. "A giddy or thoughtless person; one incapable of concentration or attention" as defined in Merriam- Webster.
This is just not my world and I feel like an outsider, a loser who can’t get any shit done. That doesn't help. I'm not immersed in this stuff, because the truth is, my course, my personal life are all more important to me. I keep telling myself that I'm doing the right thing, that this stress will be worth it in a couple of months, but meanwhile, it's just another thing that's killing me. Will I get there fast enough?

And finally, there's my personal life. That's killing me about as much as anything else. I can't even properly explain this, as nothing is actually "wrong." Even so, these last couple of months have felt important in a not-very-clear way (and yeah, that lack of clarity doesn't help). I've sensed some things crystallizing in me, and while it feels really, really good to know exactly where I stand on some important things, that somehow carries its own uncertainties. At the same time, I've been realizing how some things are really, truly fluid, and I am not able - nor would it be right of me - to act on any of it. This is a hard lesson for me; once I scrutinize something to its death, I am almost always compelled to act. And in the past, acting - in haste, out of pressure, because I just feel like awareness compels action - has proven lethal. To stand back and let things unfold -- this is a difficult lesson for me.

I've also realized that a lot about my personal life is not right now, anyway - in my hands, and letting go in this way, this feeling like I don't have all the control in my own life -- it basically kills me. Of course, I get that when the time comes to act, when everything's as unfolded as it's going to get, I may be up against some big, serious shit. And yeah, a lot of my stress is because of that. Life right now is not on a clear path.

Crap bunches up like this sometimes, and the stress is nearly unbearable. Ay. I need some light in this tunnel right about now...and super fast!

I'm No Jenny.

35 this year!!!

I've never considered myself attractive, but I think it's safe to say that I'm physically less attractive now than I was in days past. This doesn't bother me as much as it used to because I think I've finally come to believe that I’m no Jenny- From- The- Block or anywhere close to having a rockin' hot bod.

From this....

 I now look like Jabba The Hunt and I feel like an overstuffed toad. I’m cutting a fuller figure (and by fuller I don't mean curves!) and anything I eat takes up permanent residence in my ASS. They say food fills the void and it's been filling me alright. I try to not let it bother me too much, It's just something I wear under my clothes. It's true that this is the only body I have to wear, but I don't have to let my self image rise and fall with what I actually look like. But yes, I would like to have a smokin hot bod and I'm gonna make it my goal this year to shed at least 15 kilos of lard....for good I hope!

To this baby!!!!

I used to think I was not my body, and I thought it was a real inconvenience to have to feed it, rest it, and otherwise maintain it. I’d look in the mirror and I can the rising gag in my throat Back then, I was living in my head a lot, and I didn't see the value my body brought me. Today I'm a little more awake to things my body tries to tell me and more appreciative of its point of view. It's worth the trouble to keep it.

Doesn’t help that I smoke like a chimney and drink like a fish ,and by drinking I mean coffee, which btw I absolutely cannot live without, thanks to my sainted father! . I stared drinking this fav beverage of mine since I was 10 and got addicted to it pretty quick. I must have been 8 when I first discovered the taste of coffee, when I was accidentally mistaken my father’s cuppa for Root Beer. I was inconsolable: how could grown-ups ruin their taste buds with something as revolting as coffee? When I was 11 or 12, I still hated coffee, but fell in love with the ritual of this ancient brew. My father were thankful enough about me fixing his favourite cuppa on most mornings since the ones our maid prepared were either too weak or to strong.

I think it's important to stay healthy enough to comfortably lead the life I want, but not much more than that. I'm not an athlete or a model, so keeping my body in tip top shape would be like having the hottest car on the block. I could take it as a point of pride, but it doesn't gain me anything in practical terms!

Sita's Senarai Baldi.

As cliché as it may sound, at least I now know what are my purpose in life.

1.  The first cliche : Watch the sun set and rise.

2. To master the art of reciting the Yaasin and the Quran.

3. To each my son the azan.

4. Pass on a nugget of knowledge.

5. Spend more time with my kids.

6. To hear somebody say I love you----and actually mean it!

7. To work up the courage to tell my mother I love her.

8. Visit new places. I'm thinkin' Mecca, Maldives, Tuscany, Morocco.

9. To perform the umrah and the Haj if God permits.

10. Grow something. I’m thinking tomatoes!

11. Take more photos of family.

12. Have an attitude of gratitude.

13. Treat myself to an all day health spa.

14. Be creative….in what I’m not too sure exactly.

15. Find a favourite charity and help out.

16. Go horse riding

17. Go to a sporting event with my son.

18. To make my children’s every wish come true. (  only if I can afford it lah!)

19. Learn something new.

20. Sample foreign food (but nothing too squirmish for me thank you very much! )

21. Cook something sublimely out of this world.

22. Get tipsy with good company. Have some friends around for a few drinks and talk and laugh the night away. But I’ll settle with just having a good cup of coffee.

23. Experience Weightlessness! LOL!!! Yeah, like that could ever happen. Maybe I’m stretching it too fat….I mean far. Maybe shed 20 kilos of lard be more realistic perhaps?

24. Go white water rafting anywhere.

25. Write a screen play…..or not. We’ll see ya?

26. Teach a college class again.

27. Develop an online business that earns over RM50,000/month in passive income.

28. Build a blog with 10000+ followers. Ok, maybe I’m just stretching it a bit too far. Maybe to just author a successful blog would be enough!

29. Achieve debt freedom in a year or two, insyallah.

30. To save, save, save more for my children.

31. Self publish a book.

32. Write a book on my life’s journey.

33. Write a letter to my grandma in the Philippines and tell her that I do think of her.

34. Make a difference in someone’s life.

35. To know that my mere existence had made an impact in someone’s life and that’s good enough for me.

36. I'll leave this blank for now.

37. Get a complete makeover (change everything, from my hair style, hair color, image, clothes) and get a different look: one which I would never have thought of trying!

38. Gain enlightenment. How do I achieve that exactly? Maybe I’ll learn.

39. Write, write, write. The intimacy I have with myself makes me happy!

40. Live each day as it were my last.

41. To finally be happy….one day.

42. Prepare myself to kick the bucket!

Baby Baby..

Introducing Marc-Harris Welter. Born on the 15th December 2011 at 8.29 a.m.

Weight 3.530 kgs,

Height 50 cm.

Welcome to our family little one! I can't wait to squeeze you silly.
Fresh outta the oven!!!!

A couple of minutes after that...all cleaned-up.

Proud Daddy with his bundle of joy..

Ain't he the cutest thing you ever saw?

Mummy with her heroes..

Jan-Farris with his baby bro...