Tak Melayu Hilang Di Dunia

While watching a Malay show this morning, (I was bitching as usual of course!) my hubby and I got into a heated showdown on why I have this sheer hatred for the Malays. Yes, I do realize I’m a Malay woman, born to a Malay father and a Filipino mom. But I can’t help but loathing the fact that I’m a Malay sometimes.

I don’t detest the Malays, don’t get me wrong!! It’s just that I’m repulsed on how blase they are on their views on life and its values. They’re a bunch of lazy narcissistic bunch who thinks they’re so privileged, simply because of their Bumi status, that they’re impervious to change!!!! I have a lot of Malay friends who shares the same opinion as I do. I ain’t gonna get my panties in a twist and label myself as being racially prejudiced. I’m just not too fond of them, that is all. Racism aside, the Malays tend to be unbending to change. We have this obsession on being the best at all our endeavors, but find ourselves failing miserably, “The Jack of all trades, but master of none! We always pin the blame on others for our failures.

”Dalam setandan pisang, tak kesemuanya busuk”

Nonetheless, I do hold reverence for a man who I truly admire. Tun Mahathir and his ideologies on how to “reform” the mindset of this pitiable bunch we call the “Malays. During his reign as our premier, he was devastated by the fact that he wasn’t able to accomplish his aim in reforming the Malays. He wanted the Malays to prosper and thrive, to be on par with other races in terms of modernization and economic change. He said that he had failed miserably in ‘revolutionizing” us. He saw that we were lagging and wouldn’t budge!!! The Malays are too contented being where they are. After battling tooth and nail for our rights for 22 years, he admitted defeat saying that we were unbending and stubborn to face any “change” that was handed to us. We “bitched” way too much. Masuk angin keluar asap!!! He created a furor for voicing his thoughts, rapped for uttering the ‘Melayu Mudah Lupa” catchphrase. We tend be a ‘hangat- hangat tahi ayam’ lot! We are half hearted when it comes to our pursuits, never doing anything all the way, hauling our ass at the slightest hint of peril! We’re constantly trying to find our footing in the world, (for well over a 100 years and complaining still) when everything is served to us in a silver platter. We failed to see the opportunity being served to us, but rather nitpicking on how the prospect’s being served. And yes, and it has to come with a silver spoon……and a manual. And yet we bitch on why we’re lagging behind others. D’UHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

We have been leading a sheltered life for way too long. The untouchables!!!

Don’t even get me started on our men. Like Hang Tuah once said “Takkan Melayu Hilang Di Dunia” but shortly after expressing these famous words, he hauled his warrior ass and disappeared into oblivion!!!! Some warrior!

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