She is my best friend. My sounding board. Partner in crime. My cousin. How many people can say that your best friend happens to be your cousin? Try and beat that!!!
We’ve been stuck together like glue for as long as I can remember and I cherish every moment spent with her. We’ve been through thick and thin, through hardship, starvation, emotional turmoils, lousy men, etc….feuding families, you name it.
We sat next to each other in kindie, went to the same school in primary, and secondary. We coincidentally took the same course in college, ended up in the same class and graduated pretty much the same time. We parted ways shortly after, only meeting up once a while to catch up on the latest gossips, clubbing.
She’s married to my best friend and is deliriously happy with him. She had found her soul mate, I would believe! I’m glad for her. She cleaned up well. You see, it wasn’t an easy breeze being who we are. We were labeled the black sheep of the family, but we had stuck together and proved the ‘bitches’ wrong.
She’s the only soul in the world who gets a kick of my “Redneck Texan” accent and would laugh at my jokes. Loves my “Yo Mama” jokes and could fall off her chair, laughing with hysterics!!!!1 We could talk crap for hours on end, bitch about the world and joke about it. She has been my pillar of strength through my trying times and I appreciate what she has done for me. Remember my first presentation babe? I hauled ass and tossed my cookies and cried all the way…. Yuck!!!! We couldn’t give a “rodent’s flipside” about what others might think of us. Everyone seems always have something supportive’ to say bout us, kan? That shows they really do give a damn………………..NOT!!!! I sometimes wish that they see life the way we do and actually live it.
She has stood by me, became my family when my own had forsaken me. My shoulder to cry on and a true confidant. She has been really tolerant with me for so long and what can I say? There will never be others who can ever replace you. And I love you to death. Till death do us part ok, pardner????
She’s my best friend, cousin, partner in crime, really!
A fine lady who had been there for me through thick and thin, the only soul that I divulge everything to. She has been my life line, family, friend, and she plays a crucial part of my existence, especially when everyone else in the world thinks I’m a letdown. She is my pillar of strength when my world came crashing down on me.
Luv ya!!!!
What I’ll miss:
Our road trips
Our “what if” chats in our hotel room.
Having our seafood dinner kat Genting House after a long hard day.
Our bitching sessions, and to forget our crying ones too.
The road blocks with JPJ. That one’s a classic!!!!! Note the big “L” sign on my forehead woman!!! I will NEVER forget that scene you pulled with the pegawai….
Singing to Daddy Yankee and of course, I’m horny!!!!
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