I'm having one of those weeks where, from an emotional aspect, I've been running a short fuse. There's this pathetic excuse for a human being whose on to me! With that, and along with a number of situations, involving a number of people, have all just become unbearable in one fell swoop. I've reached that limit where I'm beyond irritated at everyone and everything. The result is that I've felt moody, introspective and ill tempered for days now. I'm done with this funk, yet am seemingly unable to shake myself out of it. Seriously, sometimes I just hate people. I hate the way they are so selfish and thoughtless to a point of no return. I'm not saying I'm above these things, but I sure as hell know that this is not the place I primarily act out of. And I suppose, because I am always trying so hard to be the exact opposite of these things, that I am extra-impatient and lacking in empathy for people who are basically like this all the time. And given the shit I've had to take the last couple of weeks (or really, we could go back a month to the crap that happened just before my was broken into), I am just done.
Done! Done! Done! Done! Done!.
But unfortunately, I will have to continue dealing with them, and in a couple cases, will have to confront some things head on. Which is a whole other mess unto itself. Urgghhhh!!!!!! How i wished life would be easier for me. Going through it alone, head -on doesn't really help. I feel like i'm running in circles with no definite stops! Feel this tremendous urge to just pack up and get away from it all.For once, I just want to close my eyes and make it all go away. I'll sleep with one eye open!!!
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