Do they talk to each other?
Does he find her a tired old bore?
Does she cry herself to sleep?
Is she in regret to have pledged her mortal life to a dead beat?
Is he kicking himself in the gonads for not marrying his soul mate?
Are they even in love with each other anymore?
After being chided by my mom for being the biggest “kepochi” alive, I ceased my quiet scrutiny of the couple and continued on with my meal, somehow feeling a rapture of a hushed resentment towards these blokes we call “men”. Why do they act the way they do? Do they seriously think they’ll remain a royal bachelor after they get hitched? Why the split personality? Do their wives bore them to death that much to have her dismissed like some bubonic plague? Do these men planned to be miserable, domineering assholes to the one they had promised to love and to cherish till death do us part? I am a cynic. Those vow on “to love for better or for worse” has made me the Doubting Thomas of this much clichéd medieval crap. I don’t believe that anyone can cherish you till death do us part, for better or for worse. People change, though not all for the better but to expect you to mould yourself into someone whom they think suits them, is purely malicious in the worse sense possible. It badgers your spirit. It maims your confidence and the worse thing is, you’re lying to the only person you should trust. Yourself. It’s heart wrenching to have the person whom you have pledged your life to shove you into a corner, as if laughing in glee seeing you wasting your life away into nothingness and forced to honor his thoughtless demands till the day you kick the bucket. Basically, you’ll be in a constant discord with yourself sooner later for giving in to these tactless fools. You become dejected and depressed. Marriage should be a union, not making your partner a hasty rival. Value yourself first above all others if your happiness is at stake. For God’s sake, stop moping and take a stand!!!!!!! Men undeniably loves being in control. It takes a bruising to his manly ego if a woman takes the rudder and tell him what to do, even if he is an empty vessel.
I feel that no one shares anything with each other anymore. I see people being too wrapped up in their own cocoon of negative self delusions and insecurities. Yes, I understand that conflicts do occur in a marriage, but it doesn’t mean that it gives anyone the God given right to take you for granted. When that happens, people go astray in hopes to be loved and cherished again. We can’t really point fingers now can we? Nobody likes the feeling of being neglected. All we ask is to be cherished, valued through our rough and ready years. You’ll be amazed at how a wounded heart can heal itself with a little touch of compassion.
It is a trend for men to label their wives as naggers, one-eyed monsters, “kepochis”, soul badgers, whatchamacallit. We become easy targets for their failures and dilemma. We get the unduly task of being blamed for a man’s frustrations, under accomplishments. We are held liable for everything horrid that happens to them. Most men will not appreciate our views even if you see them careening their high horse out of control. As a result, we are suppressed into keeping our opinions to ourselves. I simply call it “manly ego”.(and they call us girls vulnerable!)
I have personally heard a man screaming bloody murder to this poor wife when she called to just ask him where he was. What horrified the begeezus outta me was when she calmly ended the call and in tears say to me..” So I guess he’s not free to meet me today!!!” Mannnnnnnnn!!! I would have liked to grab that f*#@*&!!! gonads and hear him scream in an ear-piercing pain, pleading for mercy as I pour boiling hot lava down his f****** throat! Urggghhh.. I cannot understand and refuse to comprehend on how people can be so malevolent to one another.
I’ve once had a narcissist tacitly declared to me that a woman can never have a man as a best friend in fear of them falling in love sooner later. I beg to differ but I my very best friends now were those whom I had known throughout high school/ college/work. These are the people whom have gone to become a huge part of my better self. They make me happy. No strings attached. They have been my confidant, my “binging” buddies, 4am coffee buddies, weekend car shopping buddies, the friend you could call to talk if you have a power trip at home at night, alone and scared shitless. Some have even gone through colossal lengths to help me when I needed their help. Who made these narcissists king of the world and tell you that you can’t be the best of friends with the other sex? Not everything has to involve “physical interaction” lah. Attempt to lecture me about the heavens above and I won’t still be able to rationalize this selfish medieval theory. This preconceived notion that we, (usually the weaker sex, as you guys so thoughtfully label us) are pathetic love fools is utterly juvenile. It is solely based on their own insecurities, creating their own self doubts and I find it LAME! We know a jerk when we see one. I’m not a moron. The gender is of irrelevance to me. It is the intention that matters the most. Period.
A woman is considered disrespectful to be yelling or thrashing her husband, or even questioning his actions. They would say that he’s in an “abusive” relationship and he will end up calling Befrienders if he’s feeling suicidal or maybe TeleDera if he feels he’s being “tweaked” the wrong way.. Boo hoo hoo!! Attacking his pride renders her insolent. If it happens to women like us, it is considered alright because his word is law and she’s deemed a Super Saint for having the gumption to endure such lousy treatment from her husband. We cannot change our past. We can’t change the fact that people act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. My late father raised me so I can stand on mountains, not buried beneath it. If you are, then get your ass back up because if you really put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything. He also taught me to be more than I can possibly be. A wise man he was.
In my personal experience, not everyone will know what’s good for you. In my religion, we’ll be guaranteed a spot in the “Se7enth Heavens” for being such saints to these domineering bullies. So it is alright for us to be treated like household trash during our mortal life here on earth, only to be treated like gold when we croak. Defy this and you risk having your ass burnt to a crisp in hell.
My guess, God must be a man.
LOL!!!!!!!!!!! Lovely one-liner ending there Miss Thoughts!!
ReplyDeleteBut just for the record, God is without gender. We mistakenly apply the masculine trait on God because the inverse is the truth: that men think they are God, and behave so as to verify that notion.
Thanks again for another provocative post. It pains me too, that my own kind has fallen so far from grace. But blaming a woman for all his ills began with Adam and expecting improvements to the prototype has not shown results after ten million years of man's existence. Yes, even if the 'real' Adam were younger, there has been enough time for sense to have been sown amongst the genes but, sigh...nay...it isn't so. Such in fact was the plan when God gave Adam some alone time to figure this out in preparation for his life partner, but what did that buffoon do? He sought such a partner amongs the birds and the beasts to his frustration. Still unlcear on the concept, Adam?
Unfortunately, we have yet to see men take on the mantle of self- responsibility. Yes, I have been witness to much of what you have described. Yet, a man who myopically believes that he is the only one qualified for the helm has not yet faced his frailty and fallibilty. Let's go scriptural again and see that God made woman to be man's help-meet. NOT helpmate. Whom does a woman help man meet?
His better self! All his flaws! And the promise of all that he can be if he were to just get over himself. The deal here then is for man to bloody listen to her for a minute and maybe he could get past himself after all, both for his betterment and the betterment of those who have to bear the consequences of his doing.
I have caught scent here that the breeding and bearing you expect to see in a man is connected to someone whom you describe as having raised you to stand upon mountains and accomplish anything you put your mind to. The wisdom your father had in raising you, his daughter, to believe in yourself, is the same vein that were it to flow in other men, would render this entire post irrelevant.
Therefore what has been given you by him, is in fact an inheritance by which to raise your own sons and daughters, so that these benefactors may tip the scales justly and make all men worthy of being partnered to women, God's improved version in Eden.
Thank u so much for your valuable comment though I feel kinda bad for putting you guys in a bad light. But not all men are jerks. I'm friends with some really awesome ones who has helped me become a better person. Yes, some can be such asses but not all of them.
ReplyDeleteDear MIss Thoughts
ReplyDeleteIt was not YOU who put us men in a bad light, but we did it to ourselves.
True, not all men are jerks. Some exemplify all the best that any human being can be, can give, can accomplish in the interest of his fellow men and women. These men can move you the greater heights than what you would think of scaling were they absent from touching your life.
The tragedy here is that their numbers are described as some and few instead of a more encouraging many and most.
What I trust as the possible remedy is the inheritance you have received from your own exemplary man ie your father: that how he raised you be the way we raise our own sons and daughters: to believe, to be, to prevail over adversity and in doing so be humbled into greater accomplishments. For indeed, both sides need to be nurtured into knowing that a woman is not less than a man,and that a man is made better by cleaving unto a woman. We both need each other, and like many other matters in life, the air of superiority stifles many a potentially beautiful relationship.
I take it back. Met one mind numbingly arrogant arse this week and I'm not a happy camper!!!!!
ReplyDeleteInteresting topic here. Most of my friends are guys - they are easier to talk to, less complicated and surprisingly better listeners.
ReplyDeleteI have to agree that friendships between the same sex is different than friendships with the opposite sex but both are equally real and true. Yes there are lines that shouldn't be crossed but you only become aware of the lines when you're looking for it. When I become close friends with a guy, I don't automatically think, "oh hey he's a guy, i'm a girl, we are friends and here are the rules..." I talk about almost anything to my guy friends and vice versa. They are better listeners.
I agree with you on that level. They are so much easier to talk to. I know my boundaries, and I know when they're crossed. Simple. Like you said, you become aware of the lines when you're looking for it.
ReplyDeletea post to ponder and learn from...thanks:)