Racist Bigot.

This corpulent bigot racist friend of mine had recently posted an utterly distasteful remark on Facebook about how Muslims are becoming too engrossed  in the spirit of Christmas and that any Muslim caught humming christmas jingles or crap should be shot through the head. He sounded like a fucking Taliban. Shocking for someone who himself has turned all goth on himself (god knows shy!)  and thinks that women would be attracted to date boys wearing black goth shirts and trackpants! That reckless racist remarks he posted had infuriated my family especially my mother, with she being a Filipino herself. How can someone write something so demeaning not to mention posting a racist online comment for everyone to see? My mother is LIVID!!!!!  I’m not too surprised that it came from a sleaze ball like himself. He’s gotten himself in hot soup so many times before that I‘ve lost count! Hmmm..maybe he deserves a bullet right between his eyes. Being a bigot racist isn’t something to laugh about let alone to say it over and over again ONLINE. Now he’s an effing Saint????  Being a racist won’t land you a chick you shit-faced twerp! And he constantly laments on why he’s still single????  COME ON!!!!
First, I may be a Muslim but that shouldn’t stop anyone from humming, I’ve been in a church many many times before playing with the nuns while waiting for my mom for finish work, they didn’t try to convert me wattt! I don’t worship Jesus Christ. Am I committing blasphemy by humming a jingle or to roast turkey on Christmas day? Walking into a church and say what? Masyaallah? Kita tak boleh lalu gereja nanti tertukar agama plak!!!! Can anyone be THAT obtuse?
Is the Islamic faith so fragile that its sacrilegious to even discuss the subject of Christ or hum a jingle? I’m not singing praises to Christ and I’m well aware if I’m about to commit blasphemy. I know more about the 10 commandments more than you ever will you dim-witted racist buffoon (which I recall is it YOUR favourite movie btw!!!!!! Perhaps these narrow-minded assholes are the one to be shot in the head.  These caveman commentaries depict how poorly they’ve been raised by their parents and how pathetic their lives have become. Colourless, bland, pitiful!. Period. Maybe some just get obscenely obtuse when they get older like some prick I used to know.
This has been a tradition in my family for as long as I can remember, sort of reminding ourselves of our Filipino heritage. Who the FUCK do you think you are judging people like that????? Don’t  go on judging others just because YOUR own faith has shaken!
With that awful remarks ringing through my head, my family has planned in roasting the biggest, juiciest turkey this year, complete with brussel sprouts and chestnuts swimming in butter, sautéed green beans and pies….the whole works while he can decompose in his shithole, wanking himself!


1 comment:

  1. Good Lord, have such words been uttered to you, in the sanctity of your home as you prepare to have fun with your clan????

    It is tragic that so many people buy into the idea being sold of late, that there is an identity and faith to "protect" by santising against all interaction and goodwill merely because these come from without the flock, as if there were only one right path to salvation by way of belonging to the right club and paying the dues of membership.

    Those who do are those who need the association with self-declared pedigrees in order to gain any sense of conviction and self-worth. Some of my best allies have been my Moslem brethren, and I know they woud have taken a bullet for me as readily as I would have for them.

    It is then up to us, who think we know better, to never back down from keeping our doors open, for we are all His children, blameworthy as we are for making choices that He would not.

    If I speculate on a conspiracy theory, my guess is that he is succumbing to turkey envy. They both gobble-gobble, except that your roast looks better before and after you're done with it.


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