My Rants Part II

I’ve been blog hopping for quite some time and I’ve noticed a lot of rants from my fellow bloggers carp on the issue of “Soul Mates”. Interesting read and subject I may add and it’s quite appealing to read about how many of us are questioning ourselves on whether we’re ever gonna find “The One”.

Yes. Comparisons are easily done once you’ve had a taste of perfection. But when do you become aware of the fact that these beautiful souls exist? I have been asked on How can two people so opposite be meant for each other? Some may already have a label for this. Call it an odd pairing, unlikely pair,bagai langit and bumi, but I call it “A Divine Intervention”. Why do I say this you may ask?

Well, opposites not only attract, they can blend. Blending opposite traits and talents can reward a relationship with accomplishment. The psychological task is simple really. Appreciate the complementary traits of one another, because they offer you a glimpse of your own greater potentials. Through the constant reflection of your Divine Intervention, you touch a more unified intelligence--your COMPLETENESS. He completes you. Nothing “poyo’ish” about Jerry when he uttered these words to Dorothy kan? I thought he said it all so beautifully. I didn’t quite value the true meaning of these words at the time as I was a clueless 19 year old. It was only after watching re-runs of the movie years later, had I fully understood what that bugger really meant!

Soul mates have different tasks to fulfill in your life, and likewise theirs. It is not always the case that these relationships will exist on a level where 'physical' interaction is involved and this should not be confused with their initial task toward you. They’re not here to fix your troubled marriage but rather a confidante you can relate to, neither are they present to fix your dreary sex life. People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that's what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life. Call them ‘your mirrored image” but he/she ought to bring out the very best in you without qualms. Period.

Many people perceive it always involves some kind of “physical contact”. Some Soul Mates are here only to serve as being a link between two other Soul Mates of theirs in the first place. This alone is a very important and significant task, as without that link the reunion of the other souls might not ever happen.

As you can see, there is no limit to what a true Soul Mate might do in order to provide their support and, on many occasions, it is not fully understood why they do so. You might question my statement and wonder why a Soul Mate will give up his or her own Soul Mate to provide a link for someone else to move on in! I mean is this not the dream we are searching for all of our lives? Well, that's beauty of Soul Mate, that is, unconditional love!

When we feel safe enough to open the locks, our truest selves step out and we can be completely and honestly who we are; we can be loved for who we are and not for who we’re pretending to be. A soulmate is someone who has locks that fit our keys, and keys to fit our locks. As cliché as this may sound to others, He awakens the REAL YOU! Each unveils the best part of the other. No matter what else goes wrong around us, with that one person we’re safe in our own paradise. Your soul mate is the one who makes life come to life. At least that’s my understanding on the subject.

Regardless of the level of your Soul Mate, it does not mean in any way or form that Soul Mates have to be involved in a physical relationship in order for them to be together. In any of those levels, it is very easy to fall into the trap of taking things for granted. This should be avoided at all costs. Both Soul Mates have to be ready to embark into their journey together, and this is very important for the relationship to succeed. Heck it, your spouse can be your ultimate soulmate if you cap the divide of not wanting to invest yourself fully in your relationship anyway!

Here are the three levels of Soul Mates I have come to realize and understand through experiences of my own:

Level One: Your mirrored image – These are a rare example. However, it is possible that they do exist in each of our lives at one point or another. We might have one or two in a lifetime if we are lucky! What makes them special?

Soul Mates of this sort come into our life in a fast, weird and unexpected way. The situations and events in our lives begin to change of their own accord, in order to accommodate the arrival and the reunion of both Souls. In such a case such as this, it is can almost be said that it is 'written in the stars!' Both Souls have to be ready for each other, as I did explain before it is not enough to sustain the relationship at its full potential, only by existing as Soul Mates. This level is the strongest and most powerful type of Soul Mates. They do have many similar interests and share an almost equal interest in their life direction. They will think alike, and in many cases will be able to continue speaking a sentence where the other one has left off. They are a mirror of each other, although they do not have to be exactly the same. However, each one compliments the other with their individual strengths and weaknesses and they will understand each other by being on same 'wavelength'.

Level Two: Your No.1 Fan, Your Supporter – Soul Mates of this sort are everywhere around you. Try to take deeper look at the people who surround you. Just look around when you are in dire need of help or guidance in a 'life or death' situation or at a time when you have a heavy burden on your shoulders. Who is around you and ready to listen to you when you really need their assistance? Think of the people who bring you comfort and peace when you need it, or who answer your call when you need some help. These types of Soul Mates do have unconditional love towards each other which can sometimes be difficult to comprehend. Is there someone in your life, of whom, you can relate to being there in that fashion?

Level Three: Your Provider – We encounter these types of Soul Mates in situations that might feel 'weird' or perhaps in some un-expected places. We like to refer to them, sometimes, as being our angels. If they occur, they usually will not stay in our lives for a great length of time. You might come across a Soul Mate of this kind when you are just chowing down your favourite curry drenched nasi kandar in a mamak joint, eating away and from nowhere someone will provide with you a small message that will open up a possible answer to those 'thoughts' you have upon a certain circumstance in your life. These Soul Mates are placed on your path 'out of the blue' and we might never see their face again! We then carry on, feeling blessed at having had them in our life at that necessary moment. Their role is to provide us with an answer or a push toward making a small decision in order to keep us moving in our lives and struggles at that time. Can you relate to such an occurrence in your life?

In the end, we all can be the 'right' Soul Mate for anyone we choose in our life, but only when we are ready to treat our partner as a human being, as a soul and to cherish every moment spent with them. Also it is crucial that we learn to let go of the fact that we do have differences between us and any 'ego' that exists in any relationship. Let’s just say you’re already married. If you start looking for perfection in your spouse, or think that everything in your relationship should immediately click, and that there won't be any problems, you are setting yourself up for a dose of heavy disillusionment. Another danger in believing in the concept of soul mates is taking your marriage relationship for granted. There can be temptation to bail out of an unhappy marriage if you think your spouse isn't your soul mate. If you think that marriage to your soul mate will mean a life free from hard times and conflict, you are not facing reality.

So, how ready are we? That's the bottom line! The search has to start from within ourselves first don’t you think?

From my account of how Soul Mates exist in our lives, we can see that they are everywhere around us and we have been blessed since the day we were born! How much real attention do we pay to the people around us? I believe that most of the time we do take these people for granted! Why? One main reason is because we become too self-centered, leading to us disregarding those people around us who provide us with help, who listen to us and generally do sympathize with us in our time of need. After all, it is not only about providing someone with sympathy, but about acknowledging people for who they really are.

I would also like to mention here that any relationship that brings the union of 'Old Souls' is above all and the best time and example of soul mates being together, the reason being, for what they will bring to each other in terms of growth, understanding and appreciation. As a result of their union their wisdom, compassion, value of each other and evolution of consciousness will flourish in a way that would be almost impossible for them to achieve if they were united with another soul that is less highly evolved than what they are themselves. In such a case the older soul will always feel a huge gap or that there is something missing in the relationship in terms of their overall understanding and awareness of each other and it is only because the souls exist on two completely different levels of consciousness.

At the end Soul Mate is about unconditional love. If you have that and you can provide that to anyone around and especially towards your partner, I believe you find your Soul Mate after all!

A great soulmate quote from Season Two of HBO's Six Feet Under, 'Back to the Garden' starring Peter Krause as Nate and Molly Parker as Rabbi Ari. Fabulous series, if you haven't seen it!

Nate: "I don't even know if she's my soulmate."
Rabbi: "Oh, I get it, she's not your soulmate, but you're going to marry her… because you have nothing better to do? Well great… that sounds… good."
Nate: "Well, I don't even know what a soulmate is, do you?"
Rabbi: "I think a soulmate is... a person who makes you be the most you, you can possibly be." [Nate looks skeptical] "Maybe your soulmate is… the person… who forces your soul to grow the most. Not all growth feels good."



  1. This is a poignant post.
    No stone unturned.

  2. Thanks whoever you are. You might be interested to know that I have made a few changes to the post. Happy reading!!!

  3. Good changes, save the ending. confuse a bit lor. Like don't know or know sabout soul mate. Maybe because I never see the 6 Feet Under.
    Seems to me like you know a lot about this sooul mate thing meh.

  4. LOL! Why confused? Well, I don't know a hell lot on the matter, but I do have some idea of what it may feel like when you find "The One". Searching but not on a mission....;)

  5. The confusion was because the two actors sounded like they were ripping up daisies.
    Nevermind la. As long as you know what it is like to find The One, you are better of than that Nate feller.
    Why were you emphatic on 'Not all growth feels good'? You haven't been yarning with oncologists have you?
    All in all, I take joy in this post. It is encouraging and elucidating.
    However, there is yet another element that begs description should a soulmate be told apart from kindred spirit or best buddy.
    Or at least, such do I see in my uncultured and unverified yet humble opinion:
    A soulmate is that selfish list of prerequisites you held of your 'perfect man/woman' but would not admit to, come to flesh.
    The soul mate meets those expectations and exceeds simply being an ideal spouse, yet falls short of them in individual uniqeness which turns out to be the bonus.
    All questions are hushed. Most of them don't even need to be asked. And you finally exhale that hitherto held breath of long laboured waiting. the story goes.

  6. Noted. Thanks for the feedback. Will take your comments into account. Btw, have you found yours yet?

  7. I have. In the place where one would least expect to find such a profound being. It really is nice when one's eyes are finally opened.

  8. Yes, isn't it? I am truly truly happy for you. And thanks for dropping by whoever you are...:)

  9. Pleasure is all mine, Miss Placid Thoughts. You can't thank a coffee addict for sauntering by.

  10. WOW! LOVE your blog! you're the BEST blogger EVER!!!PLZ continue blogging because we LOVE you're posts!You have prooved to me that we can be anything if we put our minds & efforts to it! Love you!

  11. Well, miss Placid Thoughts, I see another anonymous reader has fallen for your cuppa. This is what I have wondered, that it just can't be only me commenting on the intricate beauty of your penmanship, as was illusorily suggested by the scarcity of comments in the preceding posts. May many more come to this well and be quenched. I know I can't help but visit here daily, staying vigil for a new post, which I devour for its pristine literary content and the kind of honesty that moves souls. I join that reader above, in his/her view that your blog is simply tops and in concurring with his/her last two words, one blogger to another.

  12. Thanks guys! Stay tuned as there's more to come, hopefully real soon. Luv ya all!


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